Thursday, January 5, 2012

Gabe: Toyota factory

 Yesterday we went to the Toyota factory with Grandma and Grandpa.  It was a 2 hour drive and when we got there Grandma and Grandpa scouted out the only picnic tables. We ate our lunch and then we went in to the visitor center and saw the first Toyota and other cars like a cut in half Toyota Tundra. Then we went in and watched a movie and me, Marney and Connor demonstrated how to put on the safety gear.  Then we went in to the factory and it was really cool. My favorite robot was Godzilla because it can pick up half of a car.  We could not take pics in the factory so we don't have any pics from there.



  1. That's cool. I'd like to drive a cut-in half car. Maybe it gets twice the gas mileage since it has half the weight.

  2. Sorry, that last copy was from me.

