Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marney: It is Christmas

I am so happy because it is Christmas and I want to tell that we are doing a secret Santa thing well it is where you put all the people in your family on a card and then put the cards in a hat. Then when you get one you have to buy something for that person and everyone knows what person you have to get a gift for.  Well I put up tons of things where you got to hang up on the roof in the girls room and the things look great. and snow flakes and lights. and now it looks great but it is still messy.


  1. Are you guys making ornaments or gifts? I tried to make some felt finger puppets but they did not come out good. So now I found some really cool printable paper dolls.

  2. Wow. You sure go a long time between posts! It's good to see you posting up again, girl. I look forward to reading more. Oh- and try to get Gabe to post up also.

