Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Marney: Christmas Count Down

Every year we do a count down in till Christmas.  We start 24 days before christmas and each day at the nght we pull down a ball on the calender and pick a present to open.  we get all the present from our Grandma and Grandpa.  They always get good present this night is the 18 and they got something super cute.  they got some circle boxes and santa stuff
here is how you make a santa out of the boxes
1 You go to a store and get the things the boxes and santa things come to gather
2 then you open the boxes
3 you take out the boxes and put them on top of each other
4then you lift up two of the boxes and put the shoes on
3 you do not have to put the beard on because
and then you put the hat on
stuff you need
1 the hat in the kit
2 the boxes in the kit
3 the shoes in the kit
4 no glue needed
thats all you do and then you have a buttiful
santa made out of boxes
here are some pic of what we got out of it
 heres how the calender looks

 heres our santa and you can take it a part to

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gabe: craft

  I found this cool hand print wreath. Here is how you make it.
1# Cut a whole bunch of little hands out of green construction paper.
2# Then you glue them in to a circle with the fingers facing out.
3# Then you can ether tie a ribbon on or use red construction paper and cut out a fake bow and glue it on.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Marney: It is Christmas

I am so happy because it is Christmas and I want to tell that we are doing a secret Santa thing well it is where you put all the people in your family on a card and then put the cards in a hat. Then when you get one you have to buy something for that person and everyone knows what person you have to get a gift for.  Well I put up tons of things where you got to hang up on the roof in the girls room and the things look great. and snow flakes and lights. and now it looks great but it is still messy.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Marney: Grand Canyon

We are Grand Canyon Nana is coming with us and I think  it will be fun. I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so happy only four days  is will be so much fun.  We get to hike some.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gabe: What Is Your Favorite.

What is your favorite food?


Me and the family watched a horror movie and it was about zombies.  It was awesome and the best part was that the whole movie was so so so freaky. I love it ava got freaked out by dad that was so so so awesome I loved it a bunch.

Gabe and Marney: welcome

Welcome to Gabe and Marney's funny blog. Hope you like to read it.